

  • Scald burn

    •Most common in children, also in elderly patient

    •Depend onwater temperature, skin thickness, and the duration of contact

    (60 degree 3 seconds = 69 degree 1 s, deep dermal burn)

    •Grease and hot oil

  • Flash or flame burn

    •Prolonged exposure to intense heat

    •Often associated with inhalation injury and other concomitant trauma

  • Contact burn

    •Extremely hot or abnormally long

    •Usually deep thermal or full thickness

  • Electrical burn

    •High voltage (>1000 V)

    •Extensive skin injury with necrosis at the contact point and deeper structures

    •The resistance of tissue gradually from **nerves to vessels, muscle, skin, tendons, fat and bone

    •Multi-organ injury

    •Like crush injury, traumatic injury

  • Low voltage (<1000 V)

  • Flash burn (no current flow through the body)

  • Lightning

    •Point of electrical burns

    •Entry and exit point

    •Compartment syndrome need fasciotomy

    •Myonecrosis, with severe myoglobinemia\(massive muscular destruction\) can lead to acute renal failure

    •Cardiac dysfunction: atrial fibrillation or supraventricular arrhythmias

  • Chemical burn

    •Frostbite, cold injury 凍傷


  • Airway and cervical spin control

    •Nasal endotracheal tube, tracheostomy

    •Upper airway obstruction can develop quickly

  • Breathing

  • Circulation

    •Good iv access and give fluids

  • Neurological disability

  • Exposure with environmental control

  • Fluid resuscitation

    •Assess burn size and depth

    •Good iv access and give fluid


    •Foley, blood test, CXR, EKG, GAS,COHb



  • Function of skin

    •Thermal regulation and prevention of fluid loss

    •Hermetic barrier against infection

    •Sensory receptors

  • First degree, epidermal burn

    •Second degree

    •Superficial partial thickness burn

  • Deep partial thickness burn

  • Third degree, full thickness burn

  • Forth degree

  • Local and systemic response

    •Zone of coagulation, zone of stasis \(decrease tissue perfusion\)

    •Release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators if over 30% TBSA

Epidermal Burn (1st Degree)

  • Red and quite painful

  • No blister

  • Subside over 2-3 days

  • Day 4: injured epithelium peels脫皮

  • Day 7: healing complete

  • Treatment

    •Supportive care

    •Pain control

    •Cold compression

    •Topical emollients

Superficial Partial Thickness Burn

  • 2nd degree burn 淺二度燙傷 : Blanching sign

  • Epidermis and superficial dermis, blistering is common水泡

  • Healing is expected within 14 days

  • 殘留較多皮膚附屬器:汗腺,毛囊,皮脂腺

  • Most superficial facial burns heal well with watchful neglect. Progression to a deeper burn

    •Wound dries out


    •Patient becomes systemically unwell or hypotensive

  • Treatment

    •Preventing wound progression by the use of antimicrobial creams and occlusive dressings

Deep Partial Thickness Burn

  • 深二度燙傷

  • Most difficult to assess and treat

  • Wounds usually mixed superficial and deep

    •Re-examination in 48 hours

    •Less skin appendages density

    •The burn takes longer to heal, the scarring is more severe and associated with contraction

  • Spontaneous healing: 3-9 weeks

  • Treatment

    •In extensive or in functional or cosmetically sensitive areas: better excision and skin graft

    •Avoid infection

Full Thickness Burn(3 rd Degree)

  • Epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous structure

  • White or charred

  • Burn eschar

  • Only healing by edge and contracture

  • Some even involved muscle, tendon, ligament or bone (4th degree)


  • Degree of burn injury :紅-->水疱-->白(毛囊修復)

    •First degree : epidermis

    •Second degree : epidermis + dermis(partial)

•Third degree : entire dermis + all deep epidermal elements

  • Scald; flame; inhalation; electrical; chemical; contact




Immersion time to producefull-thickness burns

Time Temperature (°F)

1 second 158 (70℃)

2 seconds 150 (65℃)

10 seconds 140 (60℃)

30 seconds 130 (55℃)

1 minute 127 (53℃)

10 minutes 120 (48℃)


  • Units: total body surface area, %TBSA

  • Over 2nd degree burn

  • Adults, rule of nine

Inhalation Injury吸入性灼傷

  • Signs of inhalation injury

    •History of flame burns or 密閉空間燃燒

    •Full thickness or deep thermal burns to face, neck or upper thorax

    •Singed nasal hair 燒焦的鼻毛

    •Carbonaceous sputum or carbon particles in oropharynx

  • High mortality and morbidity

  • Signs of COHb

  • Indication of intubation

    •Erythema or swelling of oropharynx on direct visualization 口咽紅腫

    •Change in voice, with hoarseness or harsh cough 聲音沙啞

    •Stridor, tachypnea, or dyspnea 喘

    •Carbonaceous particles staining a patient’s face after a burn in an enclosed space 火場內灼傷,臉部有黑炭


  • Hydrotherapy

  • Topical ointment

    •Silver sulfadiazine

    •Most common

    •Intermediate wound penetration and a good antibacterial spectrum

    •Change bid

    •Mafenide acetate


  • Wound dressings


    •Human cadaveric skin, allograft


Resuscitation from burn shock

  1. Crystalloid solution : (first 24 hours)

    a.Lactated Ringer’s solution(Na : 130mEq/L)

  2. Colloid solution :

    a. Fresh frozen plasma 0.5-1 ml/kg/%

    b. Human serum albumin (25% 50 ml: 12.5gm) (1 : 5稀釋)

Parkland formula

  • 前24小時:4 cc. LRxburn (%)xBW (kg)

    •前8小時: ½;後16小時: ½

  • 次24小時: 5 % Dextrose in water

    •(1/2 first day requirement)

    •Colloid : 0.5-1.0 cc/kg/% burn

    •Albumin: 12.5 gm/50cc (over 2-4 hours)


  • Initiation of fluid resuscitation

    •Adults: >20% TBSA

    •Child: infants with burns of ≥10% TBSA and in older children with burns ≥15% TBSA

    •Lactated Ringer’s solution

    •Urine output (Foley catheter)

    •Adult: 0.5–1.0 mL/kg

    •Child: 1.0 -2.0 mL/Kg

  • Crystalloid in first 24 hours, start colloid (albumin or FFP) after 24 hours

  • Central venous pressure line

  • Nasogastric (NG) tube should be placed ≥20% TBSA

    •Prevent gastric distention and associated emesis

    •Enteral nutrition


1.Urine output : 0.5-1 cc/kg/hr

-- Electric injury: 2 cc/kg/hr(myoglobin)

-- Child : > 1 cc/kg/hr

2.Hemoglobin(Hgb) : 12-14 mg/dl

  1. Blood pressure: arterial line

  2. CVP: Not a reliable indicator of the adequacy of resuscitation

  3. Swan-GanzPulmonary artery catheter: Pulmonary wedge pressure = Left arterial pressure (10-15 cm H2O)



  • Nutritional therapy play a key role of wound healing


  • Major burn (> 20%)

    •Oral intake is not enough

    •Enteral nutrition through nasogastric or nasoduodenal transpyloric tubes \(tube feeding\)

    •The rigorous schedule of dressing changes, operations, and rehabilitation sessions interferes with meals

    •High-dose analgesics

    •Early enteral nutrition can relieve gastrointestinal damage, and maintain the integrity of intestinal mucosa after

    severe burn

  • Nutrition formula



  • I degree : ice compression, oil, pain control

  • II degree :



  • III degree :


•Allograft, xenograft

•Autograft(split-thickness skin graft :STSG)

  • Facial 2nd(II) degree burn :

•Open care : antibiotic ointment(Biomycin)

  • Biological dressing : Aquacel (Ag)


•Ag :抑制殺死嗜氧,厭氧,黴菌


  • Burn wound management :

•7天; 14天; > 21天

•Porcine skin graft

•Cadaveric skin graft

•Biological dressing

•Topical antibiotic cream

•Systemic antibiotics ?

•Skin graft : STSG

•FTSG : joint (prevent scar)

  • Blisters & vesicles :


Topical antibiotic cream

  • 最常用;水溶性;濃度1%, 12-24小時換一次•

  • 效用: G(+), G(-); Candida albicans, herpes viruses

  • Minimal pain, non-staining, thin pseudoeschar

  • SE : systemic absorption (rare toxic);leukopenia(after 2-3 days)-->DC ifWBC <2,000


  • Aggressive resuscitation : start at ER

  • > 25 % TBSA : intubation

  • Escharotomy

  • Early debridement

  • Early temporary dressing coverage : CSG

  • Early skin graft

  • Growth factors & skin substitutes

  • Start at ER

  • A-->B-->C

  • 40% TBSA : 500 ml/hr

  • 60% TBSA : 1000 ml/hr

  • 依照輸液流程表

  • Albumin replacement : 8小時

  • Early debridement & cadaveric skin graft coverage

  • Early skin graft : Scalp skin, Mesh, Meek


  • Glue & platelet gel

  • Cultured epidermis

  • Integra

  • Artificial skin


  • Restoration to health and work capacity

  • Aim

    •Preventing scarring

    •Recover confidence in their ability to work and enjoy life

  • Regular physiotherapy several times per day

  • Starting physiotherapy from 1st day of patient’s admission and as early as the 3rd day of grafting

  • Early chest physiotherapy to prevent remove secretions and prevent atelectasis

  • Exercise and stretching therapy to prevent joint contracture

  • Ankle pump exercise several times per day

  • Prevention of muscular atrophy with passive and active (with and without load) exercises ± electrical stimulation

  • Ambulation as soon as possible

  • Education of the patient’s family to help the patient and the burn care professionals

  • Consideration and prevention of secondary complications (e.g., frozen shoulder, scoliosis, etc.)

  • Use of splinting and modalities (e.g., ultrasound) based on patient’s need to protecting the skin grafts and preventing the burn scar

  • Encourage activities of daily living with emphasis on fine movements and joint mobilization.

  • Silicon and pressure garment therapy


  • Skin graft loss

  • Infected wound

    •Should be suspected if the wound becomes increasingly uncomfortable, painful, or smelly; if cellulitis or fever

    •Regular and repeated wound culture

  • Compartment syndrome 腔室症候群

    •Elevated pressure in fascia, extensive edema

    •Risk: circumferential full-thickness burns (neck, thorax, abdomen, extremities)環狀三度灼傷

    •Treatment:escharotomies, fasciotomies, or both

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